We are America ‘s largest source of Internet background checks, including tenant screening and employment screening. We perform instant searches using millions of records collected in more than 8,000 databases (including known terrorists and sex offenders) nationwide. Qualified users can get instant results and credit reports 24 hours per day, 7 days per week—hassle free! We do not charge signup, monthly, or annual fees.


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Instant searches on millions of records nationwide

They say, “What you don’t know won’t hurt you.” But if you’ve ever rented to someone you didn’t feel sure about or hired an employee who seemed less than honest, you’ve recognized that what you don’t know could hurt you very much indeed.

There’s a simple solution to avoiding many tenant/employee behavior-related problems before they manifest and compound into bigger dilemmas. Tenant screening and employment background screening can help you identify people with credit issues, a history of evictions, criminal backgrounds, driving infractions, and more.

No monthly fees or minimums!

Choose one of the links to the above to find out about America ‘s largest database for quick and easy background checks, or call us toll free 1-800-252-8297 to speak to a representative.

InstantBackgroundChecks.us has been performing background checks for landlords and employers for more than 29 years. Tenant Screening Services is a division of IBC that performs various forms of applicant screening. We provide landlord credit checks and background checks which include a criminal record search, a renter eviction search, and driving records. We also offer a more complete form of tenant screening for landlords through our office. This service includes reference checking, in addition to the standard tenant credit check and criminal background check. Our renter credit report and criminal background verifications come back within 15 seconds, making this a truly instant background check service.

We also provide pre-employment screening for employers. A growing number of employers rely on background checks to choose the best possible employees for their businesses. Our employment screening services include employee criminal background checks, employment credit reports, social security number verification, and driving record reporting. Employee screening also encompasses education verification and previous employer verifications. It’s estimated that almost half of all job applicants embellish their resumes/applications. But with an employment background check, you can know who you’re actually hiring.

Our employee background check and tenant screening services are state of the art. Our records are updated on a regular basis, and our services are affordably priced. You pay per report. Employee and tenant criminal checks can be performed by county, state, region, or even nationwide, providing you with the most complete and accurate results possible. We also offer a credit turn-in service for tenants who have not met the payment terms of their leases/rental contracts. Thank you for visiting InstantBackgroundChecks.us!